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بلوزر 120
بلوزر 120

بلوزر 120

التلقائي نظام تحليل الدم blozer 72
  • أداء مقنع U0E07 المنضدة المدمجة تصميم U0E07 مستقرة وموثوق بها ذكي مناور U0E07 بديهية مرنة البرمجيات U0E07 نظام النسخ الاحتياطي المتكامل U0E07 التكنولوجيا المتقدمة U0E07 بأسعار معقولة

blozer72 التكوين القياسي

ModelBlozer 72
Sample channel1
2 independent mechanical arms - sampling arm and intelligent manipulator1 interpretation module, Composed of CCD and Backlight
Puncture Module1 puncture module + 6/8-hole punch
positions1 incubation module/12
2 incubation module, 12 incubation positions / groupsCentrifuge
(maximum speed3000r/min,Centrifugal
programming)12X2=24 cards position (maximum speed 3000r/min,

أدوات التشخيص

طلب معلومات

Product NameSpecification
ABO/RhD Blood Typing Card (Monoclonal Antibody)12 test/box, 48 test/box
ABO/RhD Blood Typing Quality Control(Microcolumn gel)6 bottle/box, Sample1 2 mUbottole x 1 bottle, Sample2 2 ml/bottle x 1, bottle, Sample3 2 ml/bottle x 1 bottle, Sample4 2 ml/bottle, x 1 bottle, Samples 2 ml/bottle x 1 bottle, Sample6 1 ml/, bottle x 1 bottle
Coobs(anti-lgG,anti-C3d) Test Card(Microcolumn gel)12 test/box, 48 test/box
ABO Reverse Grouping Test Kit(Human red blood cell)Contains one bottle of A, B, 0 cell, 10 ml/bottle, with concentration of 4% or 8%
Irregular Antibodies Screening Test Kit(Human red blood cell)Contains one bottle of O I, O11, O Ill blood cell, 10Cml/ bottle, with concentration of 4% or 8%
Cross-matching Quality Control(Microcolumn gel)5 bottle/box Sample 1: 2mUbottole x 1 bottle, Sample 2: 1ml/bottle x 1 bottle, Sample 3: 1ml/bottle x 1 bottle, Sample 4: 2ml/bottle x 1 bottle, Samples 2ml/bottle x 1 bottle
ABO, RhD Blood Group Antigen Card2 test/card, 24 test/box
Rh Blood Group Antigen Card12 test/card, 48 test/box
Irregular Antibodies Screening Quality ControlContains one bottle of O I, O11, O Ill blood cell, 5ml/bottle, with concentration of 4% or 8%
. . . . . . .

Catalogue No.Blozer 72
Catalogue No.

Blozer 120

. . . . . . .

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أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية
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